I have always had a passion for helping others grow and develop in their lives. From mentoring a new startup idea from idea to $3M+ in funding to mentoring 90+ new and budding young professionals on how to effectively market in the 21st century, nothing makes... Read more
I have always had a passion for helping others grow and develop in their lives. From mentoring a new startup idea from idea to $3M+ in funding to mentoring 90+ new and budding young professionals on how to effectively market in the 21st century, nothing makes me happier then watching that growth and development happen as a result of my efforts. I have experience working for and with all different sized companies from running my own startup to partnering with 1,000+ employee companies in Finance / Healthcare / Music Tech / Consumer Products. In my spare time I Trade/Invest in stocks, Fish and Play Tennis. Whether you are a candidate or client I am confident I can provide you with the kind of service you deserve, I'm excited to connect with you.
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